With the military men predictably telling him the solution is an infinite number of increments of "more troops," President Barack Obama's civilian National Security Advisor, James Jones, is warning the Commander In Chief that extra troops would be "swallowed up" in the desolate landscape of Afghanistan--the historically infamous "Graveyard of Empires."
Mr. Jones was interviewed by Der Spiegel, as the President weighs a request by General Stanley McChrystal to send 40,000 more troops, a decision which could prove one of the most crucial of his presidency.
When asked whether he agreed with General Stanley McChrystal, the top United States and Nato commander in Afghanistan, that the troop increase was needed, Mr. Jones, a retired United States Marine Corps four-star general said:
"Generals always ask for more troops. I believe we will not solve the problem with troops alone. The minimum number is important, of course. But there is no maximum number, however.
You can keep on putting troops in, and you could have 200,000 troops there and Afghanistan will swallow them up as it has done in the past."
The current theory is that the President is leaning towards a hybrid strategy that would combine greater protection for ten major population centres with more drone and special operations strikes against the Taliban in the remaining areas.
The leading options under consideration would add at least 10,000 to 15,000 U.S. troops. An announcement is expected to come in a few weeks.
Asked how much longer US forces would remain in Afghanistan, an area of foreign policy that has come under increased scrutiny, since the revelation that the Afghan presidential vote in August was heavily tainted by fraud, he replied:
"I don't know how long...But I know our president and other heads of government are pressing for everything to be done to ensure the Afghans assume responsibility."
Mr Jones said terrorist networks were continuing to develop in neighbouring Pakistan.
"The danger from there is growing," he said.
There are around 67,000 American troops in Afghanistan. Other nations, mainly NATO allies of the US, have some 42,000 troops in the country.
While he is now a civilian advisor to the President, James Jones, Jr. is a retired United States Marine Corps four-star general.
During his military career, he served as Commander, United States European Command (COMUSEUCOM) and Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) from 2003 to 2006 and as the 32nd Commandant of the Marine Corps from July 1999 to January 2003. Jones retired from the Marine Corps on February 1, 2007, after 40 years of service.