EARL NASH, WTFG Big Pharma Greed Correspondent
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> “It’s news to you…” <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
This is the story of how
Flu Inc. grew out of nowhere, transforming a once struggling business
characterized by lab closures and lawsuits into a high-profit industry in less
than a decade, and of the steps the pharmaceutical industry has taken to ensure
the dollars keep flowing.
The change is driven by a new way of thinking in government about how to approach future threats of a flu pandemic. Health officials have begun to see merit in pursuing a strategy of stockpiling vaccines, even at a much higher cost per dose than they paid in the past.
“Vaccines, vaccines, wonderful business,”
Chris Viehbacher,
the Canadian-born CEO of Sanofi-Aventis, told investment analysts on a
conference call a few months ago. It didn't take long for such calculations to be made in
other boardrooms around the globe.
The companies began acting quickly to
expand: Novartis spent $5-billion to buy U.S.-based flu vaccine maker Chrion.
With 22 per cent of the market, Glaxo was now the global leader in vaccines. And with that clout came the power to influence governments, who were already fearful about not having enough vaccine supply in the event of a pandemic.
How vaccines are sold and prices are set
In the summer of 2008, Jim Flaherty's staff prepared a briefing note for an upcoming meeting with the head of Glaxo's Canadian operations, Paul Lucas.
Glaxo had been lobbying several governments around the world to get higher vaccine prices and access to massive cash reserves countries were setting aside to cope with a pandemic threat.
“We understand that Mr. Lucas would like to discuss how GSK
could further contribute to
Mr. Flaherty held the purse strings on any national pandemic plan and subsequent vaccine purchase from Glaxo. The company had a message for the minister: “GSK has been critical … contending that the proposed vaccine price is too low,” Mr. Flaherty's staff told him.
Indeed, the company had already been lobbying governments
well before then. Since the late 1990s, prices for flu vaccine in
The company does not discuss its costs, but Mr. Monteyne said the cost of a flu shot is flexible depending on whether the buyer can pay more. “We have a tiered pricing strategy,” Mr. Monteyne said. “It is mainly based on the level of income of the country.”
Beyond just selling crates of vaccine, Glaxo also wants to sell full-service protection – pandemic readiness packages. And the industry's desire to build a stable business out of vaccines, along with the emergence of adjuvants, has led to perhaps the most significant shift the industry has seen in decades: the creation of vaccine stockpiles.
It was not the talk Dr. Michael Ossi planned to give when he
was summoned to
Dr. Ossi, an infectious disease expert with British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline PLC, had been asked to meet with government officials on how to respond to a deadly problem unfolding halfway around the world.
But pockets of people were becoming infected in
Dr. Ossi came to the hastily arranged gathering of health officials and academics expecting to talk to them about his company's research into anti-viral drugs and flu vaccine. But the health experts clustered around a handful of tables were not interested in hearing about the science behind such products. They had much more pressing concerns.
They only had one question, Dr. Ossi recalls: “How much can you make and how fast can you make it?”
It was a watershed moment for him. For most of his career, working in vaccine research – indeed, most research related to the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases – was a ticket to obscurity at a big drug company. The high stakes and big profits for companies like Glaxo were not in vaccines, but in multibillion-dollar blockbuster drugs: the Wellbutrins, the Zantacs and the Valtrexes.
But the world was changing. Shoehorned into that meeting room in Washington were mathematicians from top universities, charged with calculating how many people could be protected in a pandemic; ethicists who would debate who should get medicine first in the event of a shortage; and public health officials struggling to find a way to cope with potentially tens of millions of infected people. Their urgency made it clear to Dr. Ossi that the quiet, unprofitable world of vaccines was about to be given more prominence in government than it had in decades.
H5N1 would alter government approaches to pandemic planning.
But it would also create a new and unprecedented opportunity for the global
pharmaceutical industry. It was, as Dr. Ossi recalls, “an obvious commercial
opportunity” for the drug companies – one that is reshaping their businesses.
In a matter of a few years, flu shots have gone from being a
marginal, money-losing business to a massive profit generator for a small number
of global companies, as governments and the public hasten to protect themselves
from getting sick.
Between 2004 and 2007, vaccine sales across the industry soared an average of 32 per cent each year, with flu vaccine leading the way. That is roughly four times faster than any other pharmaceutical product.
In a year that will be remembered for widespread public worry about the H1N1 virus, or swine flu,
vaccines have become a $24-billion
business. Analysts predict the global vaccine industry will top $40-billion by
2012. For companies like Glaxo, Sanofi-Aventis, Merck & Co., Novartis AG
and Pfizer Inc., the fear of a pandemic has translated into a financial
windfall that has been years in the making.
Worldwide, nearly 1 billion doses of H1N1 vaccine have been ordered in 2009.
This is the story of how that happened – how Flu Inc. grew out of nowhere, transforming a once struggling business characterized by lab closures and lawsuits into a high-profit industry in less than a decade, and of the steps the pharmaceutical industry has taken to ensure the dollars keep flowing.
The change is driven by a new way of thinking in government about how to approach future threats of a flu pandemic. Health officials have begun to see merit in pursuing a strategy of stockpiling vaccines, even at a much higher cost per dose than they paid in the past.
Behind all this, of course, is a public that demands to be
protected from the worst strains of influenza. This year, about 40 per cent of
Canadians got the vaccine for H1N1 – the highest adoption of a flu shot the
country has ever seen. Those shots are responsible for limiting the spread of
the disease and, most likely, for saving lives. But even as the H1N1 threat
subsides after killing more than 400 people in
“It was a new market, created by this pandemic scare,” Dr. Ossi said.
How the flu vaccine industry was built
Vaccines have always been a business. They've just never been a very good business.
“We were losing money,” said Claude Vezeau, former chief
executive officer at Montreal-based IAF BioChem International,
The problem has been rooted in the cumbersome process of
vaccine production and in the public's complacency. Alan Davies, the head of
The idea of inoculating people against disease dates back to 1796 when British doctor Edward Jenner noticed that milkmaids appeared to be immune to smallpox because of their exposure to a mild form of pox carried by cows.
Dr. Jenner took puss from a lesion on the hand of a milkmaid and inoculated a young boy. When the child didn’t become ill with smallpox, Dr. Jenner deduced that a small dose of a disease could protect a person from a more serious illness (the word vaccine is derived partly from “vaca,” the Latin word for cow).
More than two centuries later, making vaccines on a large scale remains challenging. Vaccines are still made primarily from tiny bits of pathogens, the disease-causing agents of a virus. It can take months to get the formula right, and flu viruses are always changing. The manufacturing process is also clunky and relies on techniques developed 50 years ago in which a virus is injected into chicken eggs to multiply.
Here’s how the process works: Like any virus, flu will only grow in living cells. One of the best places to grow it is in fertilized chicken eggs. (Pigs and humans are also good, but less practical.) Eleven days after the egg is fertilized, a hole is drilled into the eggshell and the virus is injected into the fluid surrounding the embryo. After the virus infects the embryo, it multiplies. Machines then crack open the eggs and the virus-filled fluid is removed.
The virus is chemically inactivated, usually with formaldehyde, and used as the “antigen” of a flu shot. Antigen is short for antibody generator. When injected into the body, it’s the antigen that provokes an immune response that remembers the code of the virus that is attacking the body.
The antigen-making process can take months because the eggs have to be at the right maturity. The virus also grows slowly and it can take as many as three eggs to make one shot of flu vaccine. Then there are the chickens that produce the eggs – they have to be kept in steady supply, and healthy, since producing enough vaccine for an entire country can take millions of eggs.
“It’s very cumbersome to make flu vaccine,” Dr. Ossi said.
Heavy regulation and a lack of a broad customer base – governments are the primary buyers – left many drug companies with little incentive to make vaccines. Why spend time on such a low-margin business as vaccines when a company could make a fortune developing a new blockbuster drug?
Kevin Van Paassen/The Globe and Mail
Crowds wait at the North York Civic Centre for the H1N1
vaccination in
How the world changed for vaccines
But all of that began to change with the first hint of a pandemic on the other side of the world.
The outbreak of H5N1 in
Like many countries,
Dr. Spika and others in the vaccine community warned that if
a serious pandemic broke out, countries would close their borders and hoard
vaccine. Governments began setting aside money in federal budgets for pandemic
For Mr. Vezeau at BioChem, pandemic planning was a godsend. Suddenly, he had the attention of government officials. “We were losing money, so we went to the government and said, ‘Listen, for this to be a viable manufacturer, we need to increase the price of our vaccine,” Mr. Vezeau said. They got a higher price.
The government pursued contract negotiations with BioChem on
a deal that was potentially so lucrative it began to push the value of the
company higher. Before it was even signed, Shire Biologics stepped in and
purchased BioChem in 2001. Soon after, the company signed a 10-year pact with
Dr. Spika called the deal “a cheap insurance policy” for the country. At a price tag of $300-million, it was more money than the vaccine maker had ever seen before.
Other vaccine companies began to negotiate similar
large-scale contracts in dozens of countries, from
However, one problem remained for the vaccine manufacturers as governments around the world began doling out money for contracts. Like any virus, flu will only grow in living cells. One of the best places to grow it for the purposes of vaccine making is in fertilized chicken eggs. But the process is slow and hard to use on a mass scale; it can take as many as three eggs to make one shot of flu vaccine. “They have to use chicken embryos and there isn't enough supply of those readily available to be able to make tons of vaccine,” Dr. Ossi said.
Fighting pandemic flu with vaccine made from eggs alone would be a losing battle, many believed. Companies needed to find a way to increase the amount of vaccine that could be produced in order to capitalize on the growth. And that particular discovery was already in the works.
The problem with making vaccines
For years, scientists had tried to find a faster way to make
vaccines. They chased a variety of theories, including isolating the DNA of a
virus, which many researchers believed would unlock new ways to fight
infections. But at its main vaccine facility in
Adjuvants are like superchargers for vaccines. They are mild contaminants, such as salt or oil, that cause the body to respond with a more intense immune response. When paired with antigens, the adjuvant liquid can make the vaccine's impact stronger. This allows for more doses to be produced from less antigen.
The word itself comes from the Latin “adjuvare” which means to help or aid. But adjuvants, like so many scientific discoveries, were stumbled upon almost by accident.
Testing on different batches of vaccines often found that some worked better than others. In cases where there was a slight contaminant present in the mix – something as simple as using dirty lab materials – researchers found there was an enhanced immune response from the body to that dose of vaccine.
Thus the adjuvant industry was born, with contaminants such as oils, salts and virosomes (which are bits of influenza virus that do not replicate) added to vaccines.
“It allows us to decrease the antigen content, which allows us to multiply the capacity,” said Philippe Monteyne, senior vice-president of global vaccines development at Glaxo. “And of course, multiplying the capacity has some impacts on the business side,” boosting profits.
Adjuvants allowed companies to pump out more, but it is also a higher-margin business than antigens.
Significantly more than half the price of a dose of flu vaccine is attributable to the adjuvant, though Glaxo doesn't disclose the exact figures. “That's why vaccines became so attractive,” Mr. Monteyne said. “Most of the value in our case is put on the adjuvant technology.”
For the drug companies, the new interest in vaccines by governments looking to get as many flu shots as they could buy, and the scientific advances of adjuvants, came at an opportune time.
Many drug makers were starting to worry about the long-term viability of megadrugs like Lipitor, a cholesterol fighter, and Zantac, an ulcer treatment, that have a finite period of patent protection. When the patents expire, the market is flooded with cheaper generic versions. The big drug companies needed a new source of revenue, and the advent of large-scale vaccine manufacturing looked promising.
With the value of vaccines on the rise with the fears of avian flu, the drug companies also liked something else about the resurgent business: they had it to themselves.
Because vaccine making is so expensive – a new plant can
cost up to $1-billion (
“The barriers to enter the market are extremely high,” said
Mr. Monteyne in
Sanofi-Aventis expects to earn close to $6-billion (
Paul Waldie and Grant Robertson
Globe and Mail Update Published on Tuesday, Dec. 29, 2009 8:15PM EST Last updated on Tuesday, Dec. 29, 2009 10:29PM EST
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