EARL NASH, WTFG "War on Terra" Correspondent
“It’s news to YOU...” <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
How the United States lost the War on Terror
Osama Bin Laden may be ready to borrow
that famous Bush banner--"MISSION ACCOMPLISHED !"
A review of his "war" goals reveals that, as he defined what Bush termed the "War on Terror," the Islamic icon, working with a cell phone in a cave in Waziristan, defeated the United States. He can now declare victory; we can now pull out.
His primary strategy was to provoke the
United States to deploy the full might of its armed forces--a force that is
capable of wreaking "Shock and Awe"--and chase "terrorists"
around the globe, until the richest
nation on earth went bankrupt. ..
Today, the United States spends 36% of its
total budget on military expenditures. [see
chart below.]
"[It is] easy for us to provoke and
bait this administration. All that we
have to do is to send two mujahidin to the furthest point east to raise a piece
of cloth on which is written al-Queda, in order to make the generals race there
and cause America to suffer human, economic,
and political losses ... This is in addition to our having experience in using guerrilla warfare and the war of
attrition to fight tyrannical superpowers, as we, alongside the mujahidin, bled Russia for 10 years, until it went bankrupt and was
forced to withdraw in defeat."
In his declaration of war in 1998, published in London,
Osama Bin Laden gave al- Qaeda's reasons for war:
* First, he demanded that the U.S. military presence (air bases) on the sacred soil of
Saudi Arabia. Many Westerners might be surprised to learn that Islam's holiest
sites are NOT in Iraq, Iran or Afghanistan; they are in Saudi Arabia, a close
U. S. ally.
This huge mosque stands over the site of the
Prophet Muhammad's house and tomb and is the second holiest mosque in the world
after al-Haram in Mecca.
Ka'ba is believed to have been built by Abraham and his son Ishmael. Enshrining
a sacred stone, it is said to be first place on earth that was created. It is the
directional focus of worldwide Muslim prayers.
Al-Masjid al-Haram (The Holy Mosque)
holiest mosque in the world, the Haram Mosque has been much expanded from its
original 7th-century form. Today it can accommodate up to 820,000 worshipers
in air-conditioned comfort.
* His second demand:
Ending the U.S. sanctions on the Iraqi people, causing terrible suffering.
He began his fatwa quoting the Koran:
"To Osama, we started the war. Muslims, the ulema, must fight because
America, with her "brutal crusade occupation of the (Arabian)
Peninsula" and support for "the Jews' petty state" and
"occupation of Jerusalem and murder of Muslims there" was waging war
upon the Islamic world.
Terrorism, the direct killing of civilians for political ends, is al-Qaeda's
unconventional tactic, but its war aims are quite conventional.
Al-Qaeda is fighting a religious war against apostates and pagans in their
midst, a civil war against collaborators of the Crusaders and an anti-colonial
war to drive us out of the Dar al-Islam. On Sept. 11, they were over here --
because we are over there.
Nothing justifies the massacre of Sept. 11. But these are the political goals
behind the 9/11 attack, and this is why Islamists fare well in elections in the
Middle East. Tens of millions of Muslims, who may despise terrorism, identify
with the causes for which Osama declared war -- liberation of Muslim peoples
from pro-American autocrats and Israeli occupiers."
[Patrick Buchanan, http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article24373.htm]
Total Outlays (Federal Funds): $2,650 billion
MILITARY: 54% and $1,449 billion
NON-MILITARY: 46% and $1,210 billion
The United States spent
more of its "treasure" on the military than on the rest of the
country--54% to 46%
Imagine how the funds
spent on the "War on Terror" were redirected to health care,
education, poverty, tax cuts, infrastructure repair, development of new sources
of energy, and [you fill in the blank].
One thousand, four hundred, and forty-nine...
BILLION dollars !
Osama Bin Laden
^ "Bin Laden: Al Qaeda motivated to strike U.S.
again". CNN. 2004-10-30. http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/10/29/binladen.tape/index.html. Retrieved 2008-11-16.
^ a b "Full transcript of bin Ladin's speech".
Al-Jazeera. 2004-11-01. http://english.aljazeera.net/archive/2004/11/200849163336457223.html. Retrieved 2008-11-16.