Blackwater/Xe and other "murder for hire" companies are marketing their "services"--like “High Threat terminations” and "dealing with worker unrest,”-- in Haiti.
“All Protection and Security has made a commitment to the Haitian
community and will provide professional security against any threat to
prosperity in Haiti,” the site proclaims.
“Job sites and supply convoys will be protected against looters and
vandals. Workers will be protected against gang violence and
intimidation. The people of Haiti will recover, with the help of the
good people from the world over.” []
On January 15, a Florida based company called All Pro Legal Investigations registered the URL It is basically a copy of the company’s existing US website but is now targeted for business in Haiti, claiming the “purpose of this site is to act as a clearinghouse for information seekers on the state of security in Haiti.”
The company boasts that it has run “Thousands of successful missions in Iraq & Afghanistan.” As for its personnel, “Each and every member of our team is a former Law Enforcement Officer or former Military service member,” the site claims. “If Operator experience, training and qualifications matter, choose All Protection & Security for your high-threat Haiti security needs.”