WTFG " Pants on Fire " Correspondent
>>>>> “It’s news to YOU...” <<<<<
Some people are so full of
themselves, so arrogant, so egotistical, that they actually believe that the
Americans are so stupid that they will believe anything; they believe that if they
repeat a lie often enough, The People will be gullible enough to start to believe it, even
in the face of Truth.
They believe that they can piss on your shoes, tell you that's it's raining, and expect you to believe that bullshit.
And, they believe that it works best when the lie is spoken in a "tough guy" New Yawk City accent.
"Trudy" Giuliani: You are no "tough guy." In the words of Dick Cheney, you were "soft
on terrorism." You did not properly
protect the citizens of New York City.
With your "tough guy" image, which you earned with your
"clean-up" of NYC by rounding up helpless homeless people and, with a
wink and a nod, encouraged law enforcement to push brutality to the limit.
While the 9-11 attack was brewing, you were busy burnishing your Potent Prosecutor, "Tough Guy" image by cracking down on the "least of these," the weak, the defenseless, the vulnerable and using the NYPD to arrest them.
Guess you had already arrested all the violent criminals in the city, huh?
But, "Trudi," you were not "tough" enough to stop
terrorists from killing thousands of people in your own city. Mr. Tough Talk; you are famous for taking
action AFTER your citizens were attacked.
You are an expert on how to clean up AFTER a terrorist attack, AFTER
have allowed it to happen.
No wonder you want to forget 9-11; you were asleep at the switch on September 11. How can you criticize the Obama administration over a flubbed attack, when the worst attack on the American homeland occurred, on your watch, in your city.
You have taken advantage of the 9-11 attack to gain notoriety and allow you to market yourself as an "expert on terrorism."
You are no hero; you
are an abject failure; you failed to protect the people of NYC; you failed to
get the Republican Presidential nomination, where you used the 9-11 attack to
"make your Homeland Security chops" to give the American people the
false impression that you could make them safe.
You actually believed that everyone would forget that you failed to make
your own city safe; now you seem to have forgotten that failure.
Sorry, Rudy, Mr. Tough Guy, Mr.
Wise Guy, Mr. City Slicker, Mr. Terrorism Expert, you don't realize you aren't
fooling anybody but yourself;
the rest
of us know that rain does not smell like urine.
Go back on Saturday Night Live and put on your dress costume again and let people laugh at you
pretending to be a
woman; you are not a hero and you are no tough guy; you are a failure and a
wimp. Yes, "Trudi," put your
dress back on
and go to Yankee Stadium in drag and root for your Yankees, or US Steel,
but shut your lying pie hole.
In his January 3 column, Las Vegas Review-Journal publisher Sherman Frederick falsely
claimed that "the two cases of domestic terrorism since 9/11"
happened "on Obama's watch." In fact, while Frederick and other
conservative media figures have recently downplayed the number of attacks on
the United States under former President Bush, there were numerous post-9-11
terrorist attacks attempted during the Bush administration, including the
attempted detonation of an explosive device on an airplane by shoe bomber
Richard Reid and the anthrax attacks.
In his January 6 New
York Post column, Michael Goodwin advanced the false claim that former
President George W. Bush had "a record of zero successful attacks on
America after 9/11."
On the December 27 edition of CNN's State of
the Union, Republican strategist Mary Matalin falsely
claimed that Bush "inherited the most tragic attack on our
own soil in our nation's history." In fact, the September 11, 2001,
attacks occurred eight months into Bush's presidency and more than a
month after he had received a Presidential Daily Briefing titled, "Bin Laden
Determined to Strike in U.S."
"We did not
have a terrorist attack on our country during President Bush's term."
Bush White House Press Secretary Dana Perino falsely claimed on the November 24, 2009, edition
of Fox News' Hannity that "[w]e did not have a terrorist
attack on our country during President Bush's term."
At least up until recently,
the Bush defenders portrayed his record as "no attacks on the U.S. under
Bush's watch after 9-11." But now, with the passage of more time,
the defenders are growing bolder in their attempts to rewrite history. Now they
want to completely erase the Bush administration's responsibility for the
failures leading up to 9-11, to say nothing of the other terrorist attacks
carried out or attempted during that time, including the anthrax attacks and
the 2002 attack at the El Al ticket counter at Los Angeles International
Forgetting 9-11 is bad enough. Rewriting its history for political gain is utterly shameful."
[Brian Frederick,
domestic attacks under Bush,
including 9-11 attacks:
September 11, 2001
attacks. As CNN noted, "On
September 11, 2001, four U.S. planes hijacked by terrorists crashed into the
World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania killing nearly
3,000 people in a matter of hours."
2001 anthrax
attacks. A March 2004 State Department report on "Significant Terrorist
Incidents, 1961-2003" quotes then-Attorney General John Ashcroft saying of
the letters containing anthrax mailed to various targets: "When people
send anthrax through the mail to hurt people and invoke terror, it's a
terrorist act." Five people were killed as a result of those letters in
the autumn of 2001.
2001 shoe bomber
attempted attack. In June 2008, then-Homeland Security Secretary
Michael Chertoff described Reid's December 2001 attempt
"to blow up a trans-Atlantic plane with a shoe bomb" as an attempt to
"carry out terrorist operations for Al-Qaeda."
2002 attack against
El Al ticket counter at LAX. In July 2002, Hesham Mohamed Hadayet opened fire at an El Al Airlines ticket
counter at Los Angeles International Airport killing two people and wounding
four others before being shot dead. A 2004 Justice Department report stated that Hadayet's case had been
"officially designated as an act of international terrorism."
2002 DC-area sniper.
The state of Virginia indicted Washington,
D.C.-area sniper John Allen Muhammad -- along with his accomplice, a minor at
the time -- on "an act of terrorism" for one of the murders he
committed during a three-week shooting spree across Maryland, Virginia, and
Washington, D.C. Muhammad was convicted, sentenced to death, and subsequently executed for the crime.
2006 UNC SUV attack.
In March 2006, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill graduate Mohammed Reza
Taheri-azar drove an SUV into an area of campus, striking nine pedestrians.
According to reports, Taheri-azar said he acted because he wanted to "avenge the
deaths or murders of Muslims around the world." Taheri-azar also reportedly stated in a letter: "I was
aiming to follow in the footsteps of one of my role models, Mohammad Atta, one
of the 9/11/01 hijackers, who obtained a doctorate degree."