Who handcuffed, executed 8 children. US refuses
By Carl Herman
January 15, 2010 "LA County Nonpartisan Examiner" -- The UN's Representative to Afghanistan confirmed the Afghan government’s investigative conclusions that US troops handcuffed and then executed eight students enrolled in grades 6 through 10 in a night raid on December 27, 2009.
The US military and NATO responded the troops involved were
non-official. The most likely source of para-military “non-official”
troops in Afghanistan is Blackwater/Xe.
Hamid Karzai demanded arrest of the US troops engaged in the break-in
and mafia-style execution of their children. The US responded to the
Afghan demand of January 1 by rejecting the findings of the Afghan
government and UN with a vague promise of their own self-investigation
at some later date.
Attack Puts Afghan Leader and NATO at Odds
KABUL, Afghanistan -- The killing of at least nine men in a remote valley of eastern Afghanistan by a joint operation of Afghan and American forces put President Hamid Karzai and senior NATO officials at odds on Monday over whether those killed had been civilians or Taliban insurgents.