Q: Who or what is responsible for Minerals Management Service's (the division of
Interior Department responsible for offshore drilling) change of heart
2000 and 2003 on the crucial issue of requiring a remote control switch
offshore rigs?
A: Unfettered oil drilling was to Dick Cheney’s domestic concerns what the invasion of Iraq was to his foreign policy—a core objective, implacably pursued regardless of the risks." (NR)
- 2003, U.S. regulators decided remote-controlled safeguards needed more study. A report commissioned by the Minerals Management Service said "acoustic systems are not recommended because they tend to be very costly." (WSJ)The agency, the Interior Department's Minerals Management Service, says it decided the remote device wasn't needed because rigs had other back-up plans to cut off a well." (WSJ) "Drilling companies questioned its cost and effectiveness, according to the agency overseeing offshore drilling. (WSJ)NR)
Galston: "So here’s my question: what is responsible for Minerals Management Service's (the division of the Interior Department responsible for offshore drilling) change of heart between 2000 and 2003 on the crucial issue of requiring a remote control switch for offshore rigs? What we do know is that unfettered oil drilling was to Dick Cheney’s domestic concerns what the invasion of Iraq was to his foreign policy—a core objective, implacably pursued regardless of the risks." (